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Rawal College of Nursing RCoN
Rawal College of Nursing RCoN
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Welcome to Rawal College of Nursing

Rawal College of Nursing (RCN) is a novice in the nursing arena. It was started in October, 2016 under the umbrella of Rawal Institute of Health Sciences (RIHS) Islamabad.


The Vision of this prestigious nursing institution is to deal with the most important challenges in nursing pertaining to human health and health equity in communities through education, practice and service.

Our mission

Our mission is to provide accessible, high quality undergraduate and graduate nursing education, to diverse student population for the development of professional nurses through innovative programs that reflect the needs and current trends of society.


Nursing is an art, a science, a pray and a profession. Its theme is “….and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole humanity (Al-Quran 5:32). As an art it has been shaped by its Christian & Islamic heritage. Its focus is the generation of knowledge related to persons and their environments for the purpose of providing meaningful, consumer entered health care across diverse cultures. It’s a unique caring profession serving Allah’s peoples worldwide. It considers the culture, society, and economics that influence the health of individuals, families, communities, and society. The focus of the profession is the care of individuals, groups, and communities through the application of specific discipline-related knowledge.