Anatomy Department
Anatomy is a subject with broad base, it not only includes structural anatomy, but also growth and development, neurosciences, microscopic anatomy as well as aspects of health and disease. We offer a fully integrated approach to the study of human being. The different disciplines in anatomy are taught in relation to the function with emphasis on their usefulness in their clinical year of training.
Dissection Hall:
Auspicious airy dissection hall furnished to accommodate 100 plus students at a time for dissection.
Anatomy Museum:
It is well equipped with Gross Anatomy, Embryology, MBBS, M.Phil. Neuro Anatomy and histology Models Charts, CDs, X-rays, and slide projectors.
Bone Bank:
Articulated and disarticulated model skeletons are available. Original Bones are also available in sufficient quantity.
Histology Lab:
Department has well ventilated, spacious, and furnished Histology lab having 25 binocular microscopes, a multi head microscope and a slide Projecting microscope with multimedia.