Rawal Institute of Health Sciences - RIHS RAWAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH SCIENCES
Rawal College of Nursing

Pediatric Health Nursing

The Rawal College of Nursing (RCoN) department of Child Health (Paediatric) Nursing provides student-centered teaching and learning, & benefits the students to enhance their knowledge & skills while addressing the complete study on minors (infants, toddlers, preschoolers, teenagers) health and health related issues. It elucidates about the imperativeness of assessment on newborns shortly after their birth to promote normal and healthy growth. The department is concerned with training the students in developing the knowledge & skills required to respond to healthcare needs of infants & children. Moreover, the courses offered also covers the ailments in newborns present at the time of birth and about precautionary measures that could be taken to avoid these menaces to happen by teaching the mothers about significance and impact of their physical and mental health on their children. The department focus on safeguarding the health of child & the family while encompassing evidence based practice & identifying the needs of the children & providing comprehensive care.

We have advanced simulation manikins in pediatric assessment lab to facilitate students’ understanding and learning.
The department is following the curriculum developed by Higher Education Commission, Pakistan & Pakistan Nursing Council that focuses on the needs of child health.

Pediatric Health Nursing

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